Research in the Frontiers between Biology, Chemistry and Physics


  • Miguel Ángel Blesa Science Reviews from the end of the world
  • Silvia Braslavsky CONICET


In this opportunity we offer four reviews describing each of them several years of research work in their respective group in Argentina. All in all, the four reviews comprising this issue of Science reviews from the end of the world provide a good insight on the research being carried out in Argentina in the frontiers between biology, chemistry and physics.

Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Blesa, Science Reviews from the end of the world

Ph D in Chemistry, La Plata University. Formerly: Chemistry Manager (Atomic Energy Commission); Federal Undersecretary of Science and Technology; Senior Researcher (CONICET); Full Professor (San Martín University); President (Argentine Associaition for the Advancement of Science). Past President, Interciencia Associaition. Member of the National Academy of Science (Córdoba), National Academy of Exact, Natural and Physical Sciences (ANCEFN) and Academy of Sciences of Latin America. TWAS Prize in Chemistry (2004). Konex Merit Diploma in Chemsitry (2003). President for Argentina in the Bilateral French Argentine Cooperation Program (ECOS-SUD). Main research interests: chemistry of metal oxide particles immersed in water; environmental chemistry.

Silvia Braslavsky, CONICET

Silvia E. Braslavsky is Ph.D. of the Univ. Buenos Aires (UBA, 1968). She was a Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto (1972-75). From 1976 until her retirement in 2007 she led studies on the molecular properties of biological photoreceptors at the Max-Planck Institute for Radiation Chemistry (today for Chemical Energy Conversion). She is a corresponding member of CONICET and Dr. honoris causa of the Univ. Ramon Llull (Barcelona) and of UBA, is Honorary (Univ. La Plata) and Distinguished (Univ. Ottawa and Univ. Cordoba) Professor. From 2000 to 2018 she chaired the IUPAC Sub- Committee on Photochemistry. She was de scientific chair of the International Congress on Photobiology (Cordoba, 2014), received the Raices Prize (2011, MINCyT, Argentina) and the Finsen medal (2019, International Union on Photobiology).
