October 2023
Vol 2 No 3With more than two decades of existence, the “Encuentro de Superficies y Materiales Nanoestructurados” remains a national benchmark for the scientific and technological prowess of Argentina’s “Nano” community. The event began in 2001 at the National Atomic Energy Commission in Bariloche and developed into what it is today: on the one hand, a national gathering that brings together a wide range of disciplines to discuss and disseminate the most recent findings in nanoscience and nanotechnology; on the other hand, a place where friends and colleagues can talk freely and honestly about a wide range of topics related to research, management, transfer to industry, and education in this vibrant field of science and technology. The event took place in San Carlos de Bariloche until 2010. Following then, it was held in Córdoba (2012), Mar del Plata (2013), Bariloche (2014), Rosario (2015), Buenos Aires (2016), Bariloche (2017), La Plata (2018), Buenos Aires (2019), and Mar del Plata (virtual in 2021). The National University of Río Cuarto, along with participants from the CONICET-UNRC institutes IITEMA, IDAS, and INBIAS, organized NANO 2022 during August 9–11, 2022.
April 2021
Vol 2 No 2Controversy has arisen on the validity of mathematical models to describe the spread of the pandemic, on the testing procedures and the ways to achieve significant tracking of the spread of the virus, on the validity of various therapies, on the nature and performance of various vaccines, on social and political issues about lockdown policies, etc. In this issue we present just two papers, addressing the first issues in the above paragraph, mathematical models and testing strategies. They represent very thorough work that had clear application in the design of pandemic management in Argentina.
December 2020
Vol 2 No 1In this opportunity we offer four reviews describing each of them several years of research work in their respective group in Argentina. All in all, the four reviews comprising this issue of Science reviews from the end of the world provide a good insight on the research being carried out in Argentina in the frontiers between biology, chemistry and physics.
September 2020
Vol 1 No 4In this issue, the four major international projects in astrophysics and cosmology being developed in Argentina are described: QUBIC and LLAMA in the Puna of the province of Salta, the Pierre Auger Observatory and ANDES in the region of Cuyo.
June 2020
Vol 1 No 3Nanomaterials are a unique example of how matter can be redefined when we adopt a different point of view. The nano-scale has given researchers the opportunity of re-discovering matter and to think and dream about applications as broad and diverse that they can be found even in our daily lives. The diversity of the review articles included in this issue shows the degree of maturity of nanomaterial research lines in Argentina.
March 2020
Vol 1 No 2This issue is dedicated to chemistry, more specifically charge transfer processes in transition metal complexes. While Profs. Katz and Wolcan discuss the subject focused on inorganic complexes (attached to polymers in the case of Wolcan), Profs. Murgida and Brondino et al. dedicate their reviews to metalloproteins. Therefore, we could say that the areas represented in this issue are inorganic, organometallic and bioinorganic chemistry.
December 2019
Vol 1 No 1This first issue collects four reviews on timely aspects of various fields of science and technology: "The Malvinas (Falkland) Plateau derived from Africa? Constraints for its tectonic evolution", "Scinderin, an actin severing and nucleating protein: molecular structure and possible roles in cell secretion, maturation, differentiation and cancer", "Artificial Pancreas: The Argentine Experience", and "Arsenic in Latin America".