An Editorial Anomaly


  • Miguel Ángel Blesa Science Reviews from the end of the world


Most of the science in the Latin-American region is funded with public money, and the institutions that provide the money have little or no record of the resulting published material. In a time when the open access initiative is gaining momentum and is advocated by financing institutions, the Argentine Association for the Progress of Science (AAPC) evaluated that launching a new publication was warranted, with distinctive features that make it an editorial anomaly.

Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Blesa, Science Reviews from the end of the world

PhD in Chemistry (National University of La Plata). Investigator Emeritus at the National Atomic Energy Commission. Professor, Environmental Research and Engineering Institute, National University of San Martín. Former Senior Fellow CONICET Investigator. President, Asociación Interciencia. Honoris causa PhD, National University of San Martín. Scholar at the National Academy for Science (Córdoba, Argentina) and the Latin American Academy for Science. Editor-In-Chief for the journal Ciencia e Investigación – Reseñas, published by the Argentine Association for the Advancement of Science, and for Science Reviews from the end of the world.
